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The movement began in 1982, according to the Reagan Foundation. Just Say No was a staple of the Reagan presidency and still has lasting effects and efforts that can be seen today. Just Say No White House Photographic Office, Nancy Reagan with Just Say No kids, Wikimedia CommonsĪlong with reinstating and creating new legislation, the First Lady, Nancy Reagan, chose to launch an anti-drug campaign called “Just Say No” in an effort to educate children on the dangers of drug use. That paired with other events like the highly-publicized death of college basketball star and NBA draftee, Len Bias, gave the the drug penalties the support it needed to be passed in congress.

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During this time, many low-income neighborhoods were suffering from increased distribution and use of crack cocaine. Much of the reason for the increase in the sentencing for crack cocaine was a result of the crack epidemic and the mainstream spotlight that came with it. According to the ACLU, in 1986 before the enactment of the new minimum sentences, African Americans were subject to 11 percent higher federal drug sentences than white Americans, four years later that number grew to 49 percent. On the other hand, powder cocaine was more expensive and more likely to be used by affluent white Americans. This 100:1 disparity was criticized by some as racially biased because crack cocaine was more likely to be used by poor Americans, many of whom were African Americans. Meanwhile, the same sentence was given to for the possession of 500 grams of powder cocaine. The 1986 act instituted a five-year minimum penalty without parole for the possession of five grams of crack cocaine. One of the most controversial aspects of this act is the changes in the sentencing for possession of crack cocaine. The act gave over a billion in funding for the drug war and substantially increased the number of drug offenses with mandatory minimum sentences, including marijuana. The law was signed by President Richard Nixon in October 1986 and was partially a result of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign efforts. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act is one of the most important federal laws that passed in United States history regarding drug punishment.

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One of the most significant pieces of legislation of the entire drug war was passed by the Reagan administration in 1986. We’re running up the battle flag,” Reagan said during an early address in his presidency. “We’re taking down the surrender flag that has flown over so many drug efforts. Unknown author, Official Portrait of President Reagan 1981, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commonsĭuring the Ronald Reagan presidency in the 1980s, Reagan reinforced and expanded many of the war on drug policies that had been mostly left untouched during Jimmy Carter’s presidency. Following Nixon’s resignation, the drug war wasn’t as prevalent during the Carter presidency but things picked back up when Reagan was elected and served from 1980 to 1988. Similarly, the Drug Enforcement Administration was created under the Nixon administration in an effort to minimize interagency feuds and pool together resources to fight illicit drug production, distribution, and use. This act included the Controlled Substances Act which put all drugs into an organized system based on addiction potential and medical utility. However, the war officially began when Nixon declared illicit drugs to be public enemy number one and went on to pass the Comprehensive Drug Prevention and Control Act of 1970. While the war on drugs may not have officially started until 1971 when Nixon took office, there were many drug prohibition laws that were passed before the 1970s.

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